Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Dad, yoohoo, is that you?

Last night after a long day at work and after an enlightening conversation with my boss and an officemate I finally realized why I'm so emotionally attached to you: You are nothing but a mestizo-guapo version of my Dad!

I couldn't believe it, but it's true! I love my Dad dearly, I'm a Daddy's girl to the core, a spoiled brat who knows I can get away with anything because I can always get my Dad to back me up. (At least that was how I saw things back when I was still a kid.) But I also have intense fights with him and yet i'll never trade him for any Dad in the world! Our relationship runs the gamut of extreme emotions--intense love and intense hate!

I think this is the reason why I don't care if my friends think you're abusive--I can handle that! I don't care if you're temperamental--I can handle that! I don't care if you're agressive and so used to having your way--hell, I can handle that! I don't care if you have the ability to turn schizo and shift from being a complete asshole to a sweet, needy guy intent on pleasing me in an instant--I'm used to all that!

I'm twisted. I'm really, really twisted! But I gues this is really the way I'm wired. I guess this is also the reason why I can never be with a guy with a doormat personality, or a guy who is always giddy and who always thinks he is doing me a favor everytime he patronizes me, or a guy who does not have an ounce of arrogance in his veins--I want excitement! And no, I'm not trying to court danger here, this is just the kind of stuff I was made for.

I can't be abused or intimidated, and I don't give up too easily,and yes, I can easily put one over you, and I've already proven that.

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