Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Okay & Happy

When everything seems okay and happy, chances are we are just missing some terrible flaw. A flaw that, chances are, we will choose to ignore when its existence presents itself. We would rather keep the ‘faith’ that everything is indeed okay and happy.

To have such a simplistic view may seem wiser at the onset—its gives freedom from worry and provides the delicious illusion that the future will remain, well, okay and happy.

But such a simplistic view often leads to catastrophic endings, the unanticipated brutal kind.

Must we wait until something terrible has already taken place? How do we know when to stop believing our delusions? How do we command our hearts to follow our logic? (Provided, of course, that such is even possible.)

Or is this denial of reality something that we must succumb to, at least from time to time, to make our puny existence just a little bit more worthwhile?


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