Thursday, April 07, 2005


I know, I know, I'm the worst slacker in the world! I haven't had time to update this blog mainly because I've been spending time getting some of the crooked corners in my life ironed out. (You know, the usual spring cleaning thing--getting rid of unwanted fat, my addiction to Go Nuts, user-friendly friends, traitors, and bad memories). I'm doing okay.

If plans push through I'll start working on my 2nd book project next week. Please pray that I will be justly compensated this time. I'm busy with other things, too, among them--doing PR consultancy work and media rep work for a regional magazine. I might also start contributing regularly to a Hong Kong-based Paper. God is good!

I have just sent out a proposal to a client and I am anxiously awaiting his reply. After writing this I'll go to Galleria to catch Closer and take my mind off the many pressures that have been bothering me. Negotiations always manage to drive me insane. Negotiations are tricky things that journalists (or, in my case, a former journalist) are not particularly good at. (As one very popular, and astig writer said: "I don't negotiate!") I've been reciting like a mantra what my favorite mentor told me one lifetime ago: "Think of your byline as a brand name." Somehow doing this encourages me to be firm in my decision not to settle for less than what I think I'm worth. I've got clammy hands and feet and I've been having chest pains especially at night. I'm worried and excited at the same time.

Dad said this wouldn't have been too much of a problem for me if I had a boyfriend or a husband because then I'll only need to have sex to relax. Thanks for the advice, Dad.

I guess I'll just watch Spongebob. But he's a homo, daw...Oh well!

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